Alkota Pressure Washer Chemicals for Fleet, HGV & Automotive
Pressure Washer Detergents

Industrial Pressure Washers

Alkota Pressure Washing Detergents for HGV, Fleet & Automotive
Power Blast TR407
Power Blast TR-407 is a completely biodegradable alkaline detergent. A very versatile cleaner that is safe to use on cars, trucks, SUV’s, recreational vehicles etc.
Ideally suited for use in cleaning food processing areas. It carries a superb rust and corrosion inhibitor package.
Outstanding for bug removal on all vehicles. Removes dirt, grime, air pollutants, grease and oils.
Soaps and detergents catering to a diverse range of vehicle cleaning needs from cars, trucks, HGV's and motorhomes to watercraft and more.
For biodegradability, efficient grime removal, and protection against corrosion across various vehicle types, Alkota has you covered.
Biodegradable alkaline detergents with rust and corrosion inhibitors are perfect for bug removal and general cleaning. Pre-spray products let you restore surfaces for a glossy shine and freshly waxed appearance.
Mild alkaline detergents help renew painted surfaces, and natural citrus degreasers and rust inhibitors offer effective and environmentally friendly vehicle washing.
Active Ingredients 20%
pH 5% Solution 11.7
Specific Gravity 1.09
VOC 29 grams per liter
Appearance Redish Liquid
Hazardous , Corrosive Label
Ozone & Smog Does not carry ingredients that attack the earth’s ozone, or contribute to smog
Softening Exclusive anti-scale system to prevent scale coil clogging.
Freeze / Thaw Stable
Shelf Life Two years in a sealed container